167. Kids Icon
There is a feeling a new parent gets. It’s the feeling that nothing in the world matters more than their new baby. Nothing. It’s a feeling that stays with you forever, but one that is almost physically tangible during those first few months. As parents, we will do anything to nurture and protect our children.
Today is Father's Day. The quote above is from an old post I wrote on the Notabli blog about why we were building the service. (For those who don't know, Notabli is an app/service I helped create with my friend Jackson Latka that makes it easy for parents to tell their kids' stories.)
It's so easy to get caught up in the run of the mill, in the schedules of everyday life, that we sometimes forget to step back and really, really, reflect on what it means to be a parent. Life is a collection of moments, and the most important moments in my life are those I've shared with my children. I could go on and on, but there are a couple of bellies that need zerberting.
So, in honor of Father's Day and being a parent, here's a kids icon.
P.S. Fun fact: the kids in the Notabli logo are based on my daughter (who has a cute little bob haircut) and my son (who sports a double-cowlick).