
009. Diamonds Are Forever Icon

Diamonds Are Forever Icon

James Bond Icons: Diamonds Are Forever Icon

Okay. I'm kind of giddy. I'm having too much fun with these James Bond icons.

The Diamonds Are Forever icon is the third entry in mini-James-Bond-icon-series, the ninth entry in the Year of Icons for 2015, and the seventh entry in the actual James Bond movie series. Sean Connery played James Bond a total of seven times, but Diamonds are Forever was his sixth James Bond movie, after a one movie hiatus from the series (On Her Majesty's Secret Service was the fifth Bond movie, and did not star Sean Connery). The title Diamonds Are Forever has three words and eighteen letters. I was in a stage adaptation of the Breakfast Club when I was eighteen. There are five main characters in The Breakfast Club. My daughter was five last year. Last year I did not create an icon every day. Days are twenty-four hours long. I married my wife when I was twenty-four. We had our first child four years later, and our second child two years after that.

It feels like they've been a part of our lives forever.

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