
005. Blueberries Icon

blueberries icon

Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right, 'cause it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert. It's the Blueberry Pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry!
- Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory (1971)

You are what you eat after all. And if you eat a blueberries icon you’re likely to turn into a blueberry. Or into a… blueberries. (I know, I know, again with the plural noun. It’s awkward, I know.)

And so begins a mini-theme that I might try to stick to for a little while. Fruit! Berries! Deliciousness! It won’t be every day, but maybe I’ll try to get 10-15 fruity icons done this month.

On a side note, I used to love Berry Berry Kix.

P.S. You can also keep up with the Year of Icons on Instagram.

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